Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wait, I need to check my heart rate. Movie: The Cabin in the Woods

Okay so I don't even know why I watch horror movies.

1) I always end up watching them while I'm home alone since my usual movie company never feels like watching a horror movie (and some of them are simply scared). And usually right before bedtime as well.

2) I get paranoid when I'm home alone. Watching a horror movie at a time like this means I'm ridiculously easily scared. And subsequently get even more paranoid.

3) At some point in my life I enjoyed getting scared. Now I'm not so sure anymore. It's this conflict between the fact that a mild adrenaline kick is rather nice and the fact that going to bed while NOT ridiculously paranoid is rather nice also. But you can't have both. No no.

4) The Cabin in the Woods is cool.

It was really hard to find a picture that didn't spoil anything so here's the poster/wallpaper.

I stumbled across this title a while ago when I was stalking Joss Whedon on IMDB after watching Firefly (it's awesome, just go home and watch it now, it's for your own good). And figured "meh - why not". I was a bit skeptical about the whole "a bunch of friends go to a cabin but uh-oh they did not expect this" and this is why I've had this film for a month before finally giving it a chance.

And it was worth it! I liked it. I liked it so much I daresay it was too short. There was this feeling of not wanting to make a typical stretched-out horror movie, everything happened so fast. But the thing is, this ISN'T a typical horror movie so you could've stretched it out a bit. There was more to it, it needed more meat on the bones. I mean, the splatter was cool. That could've lasted a good 5min longer. And other stuff too. More of the old guys, I loved them. Fabulous men.

There was also one thing that I really really reeeallly hated while watching but I understand it's necessary: the fucking typical horror movie music of something-bad-is-about-to-happeeeen. But it was being toyed around with so that was nice. Or not nice. But effective.

Anywho, to sum it up this goes up there on my list of "horror" movies I actually like. Right next to El Orfanato. I like horror movies with closure. Ah closure. The stuff that keeps nightmares at bay.

Watching The Cabin in the Woods made me happy. Yay!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Breakfast movie: The Deep Blue Sea

The Deep Blue Sea is a drama. And romance. But mostly angsty, and bland. It doesn't involve the sea in any way. And it goes in the same box as Parnassus with the jumbled bits and pieces. "Oh I know, let's make flashbacks here and there, and oh no now we have to continue the realtime story, ok let's do that for the rest of the film, oh no wait there's still a couple flashbacks I want to put in there". Cute. 

My biggest problem with this movie: you get the feeling you're supposed to sympathize with Rachel Weisz's character. But really... how can you sympathize with a character who A) cheats on her husband until he finds out and then leaves her and B) attempts suicide because she has this problem with the new guy: "He doesn't love me as much as I love him!". I just want to slap her and tell her to get a grip. I guess that's just 'cause her acting's so good that I really get annoyed by her stupid character. Geez. I sympathized more with Hannibal in Silence of the Lambs.
 And hey, it's set in post-war London and He-who-does-not-love-her-as-much-as-she-loves-him used to be a pilot but let's not expand on that at all. In fact, let's not develop his character much at all. He can just kind of be there and look pretty. And later on he can be angry. He's good at being angry.

I wouldn't be this disappointed usually, but I actually had some stupid idea that this might be a good film. No. Wrong. It's not complete torment to watch it but please, there are better things to see.

She smokes a lot in this film. And suppresses her emotions.

Luckily, my day was not ruined by this because I've been planning a hiking trip that's gonna be great fun.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Movie night night: Parnassus & Coraline

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (or, as it is known to many people "Heath Ledger's last movie") is a Terry Gilliam piece. If you've previously seen anything written by Gilliam you may assume that there are fantastic elements and bits and pieces, and you may also be prepared for those bits to be a bit jumbled here and there.
The idea of Doc Parnassus is, to me, based on the the indecisiveness of humans and thus the lack of responsibility in us. This doesn't sound too bad, does it? Doc Parnassus doesn't really follow through, though. I assume the screenplay underwent major modifications after Ledger's death and that might be the reason the film left me with the feeling that it lacked something. The story was ok, but too shallow. I'm not saying it's a horribly bad movie, I'm just saying it's not as good as it could [should] be. It's all fun and games and visually explosive, but the story just doesn't hold up to the themes.


The second movie of the night:


Now, I was never a fan of dolls, so I watched this movie fully aware that I might get nightmares tonight. I'm looking forward to it.

Coraline is visually fabulous, and it's a wonderful adventure. Spiced with a hint of Disney's evil witches, it is an interesting idea to use love as the power of the antagonist. And it works. And I liked it. See, a film review about a good film is so much shorter, I mean what should I say other than "watch it". It's beautiful, it's creepy, it's inventive, it's fresh. Watch it.

However if you do own a cat.. I highly recommend being fully aware of where your cat is. Mine kept making strange sounds in his sleep somewhere behind the sofa, and that just made the soundscape of the film even more powerfully creepy than it already was.

Now then.. nightmares ahoy!

Imagine Dragons

Har känt mig hes hela dagen så går nu omkring i huset och sjunger så jag skulle bli av med min röst ordentligt och sen kunna återfå den imorgon istället för att vara semi-hes resten av veckan.
Silly? Maybe.

Förhesningsplaylisten består av Imagine Dragons.


I just realised I've completely ignored this blog for all of June.
But that's ok. I was mostly drinking beer. And when I wasn't, I was looking for jobs. Which probably outnumbers beer-time in reality anyway.

Carrots, beets, potatoes. That's what's up in the veggie patch.

TV-rage of the day

beautiful fanart by


..and I miss the Doctor even more but I know I have to wait longer for him.


Igår började jag skriva på nåt nytt. Den här gången tänker jag t.o.m. skriva det färdigt eftersom senast jag på allvar började skriva nåt (i april, it's been a while) skrev jag 5 sidor + anteckningar och berättelsen kom aldrig till slutet av första dagen. Kanske jag i något skede måste återvända till stackars Toms tragiska kärlekshistoria.
Men senare. Först måste jag skriva shortstoryn färdig. Tom&co är i princip en grov storyline som skall fungera som botten för manus. Och nu vill jag skriva annat än manus.

Men samtidigt finns det så mycket annat jag vill göra. Jag vill göra vår film, men får huvudvärk av bara tanken idag. Jag vill inte att jag skall behöva göra allt själv, och inte p.g.a. lathet utan för att då skulle jag tappa siktet för vad det är jag strävar till egentligen.

Och jag vill verkligen skriva en bra berättelse, den är mitt ljus i ändan av tunneln just nu.

Mest av allt vill jag ändå ut på äventyr.

Det känns så onödigt att vara bunden av såna jordliga saker som fattigdom, hunger, sömnbrist, och snuva.

Men ändå är allt bra. Tänk vad mycket man kan klaga om ingenting, och tänk att man gör det varje dag. Jag ska försöka sluta klaga på saker som jag själv kan påverka.

TURKISK YOGHURT och SJÄLVPLOCKADE BLÅBÄR. Det relaterar till titeln, för nu ska jag äta dom.